Zero Waste Make & Take Workshop

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March 23, 2023 | 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Victor Mall

Do you want to avoid sending trash to the landfill? Zero waste is a set of principles focused on waste prevention that encourage redesigning resource life cycles so that all products are repurposed and/or reused. This workshop will help you get started toward a zero-waste lifestyle.

Come and leave any time between the designed time. You’ll be able to make a useable microwave heating pad, utensil roll, and beeswax wraps (3-pk). Make one, two, or all three zero-waste items. We ask that you bring your own iron and sewing machine.

A suggested $5.00 free-will-offering donation is being asked to help cover the supplies.

You can sign up here.

Zero Waste Make & Take Workshop

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Little Falls Chamber and Tourism

200 1st Street NW
Little Falls, MN 56345

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Established in 1999 and recently strengthened by the merger of the Little Falls Area Chamber of Commerce and the Little Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau, we've become the region's leading tourism force. Our passionate team acts as your one-stop shop for crafting unforgettable experiences in Little Falls, MN. We answer visitor inquiries, assist convention planners, and collaborate with group tour operators to ensure a fun and engaging stay for everyone.

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