We are hard-wired for connection and making meaning. We often react rather than respond when faced with difficult personal and societal transitions. In this time of retreat, come learn and practice how to live, love and lead in and through these challenging times. You will learn practices to help you build resilience and respond to unfolding transition with compassion and courage, as well as connect with companions to accompany you on this journey toward our emerging future. Our presenter, Rev. Dr. Terry Chapman, director of Convening Communities at The Center for Purposeful Leadership, loves to nurture “holding places” where people can remember the natural insight and courage that dwells in each person. He regularly convenes trainings and gatherings centered around the Art of Convening.
This retreat will be held January 20-24, 2025, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday; and 9 a.m.-noon on Friday on the campus of the Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls or by Zoom. Rates for the retreat: Overnight-$349 (4 nights private room/shared bathroom, all meals included); Commuter-$99 (lunches included); Zoom-$50. Register by January 10 by emailing Linda at ldobosenski@fslf.org or calling 320-632-0680.
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